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Acupuncturist & Chinese Medicinal Herbalist located in Parker, CO

Biomeridian services offered in Parker, CO

Biomeridian™ testing gives your acupuncturist valuable information on how your body is functioning and indicates the supplements you’ll benefit from taking. At Heaven & Earth Acupuncture in Parker, Colorado, acupuncturist April Suh, LAC, Dip.OM, FBORM, and the team use Biomeridian testing to enhance and personalize your care plan. Schedule your consultation for the test by phone or online at Heaven & Earth Acupuncture today.

What is Biomeridian testing?

Biomeridian testing, also called Biomeridian Bioelectrical Impedance Measurement Testing, is an alternative medicine tool that measures the stress on your organs and body tissues. More specifically, the test measures the electrical resistance in various acupuncture points that run through multiple pathways across your body.

Biomeridian testing measures a few parameters. It helps find nutritional deficiencies, which assists the team at Heaven & Earth Acupuncture with recommending supplements to give your body what it needs.

In traditional medicine, physicians use electrocardiograms (EKGs) and electroencephalograms (EEGs) to record heart and brain activity respectively. These tests function very similarly to Biomeridian testing and can even result in some similar conclusions.

Biomeridian tests are not used for making diagnoses but rather for providing essential information on how your body is functioning and what it needs to improve.

What should I expect during Biomeridian testing?

When you visit Heaven & Earth Acupuncture for Biomeridian testing, you’ll start with a consultation. The team encourages not using any creams or other products on your hands and feet before you arrive.

The Biomeridian testing equipment uses a patented stylus that can identify each energy point on your hands and feet. The stylus has an electrode that transmits energy data from each acupuncture point to a nearby computer.

The team interprets the results and explains what they mean for your current and future health. They also make any necessary recommendations for treatments and nutritional supplements.

When should I get Biomeridian testing?

There are many instances when you should consider Biomeridian testing at Heaven & Earth Acupuncture. For example, the test helps you learn more about your body’s nutritional needs. The team might recommend the test if you experience symptoms indicating dysfunction or imbalance, such as:

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Aches and pains
  • Hair loss
  • Numbness, burning, or tingling
  • Declining night vision
  • ETC…

The team uses Biomeridian testing to discover potential imbalances t can impact your focus, productivity, and sleep.

Book your appointment for Biomeridian testing over the phone or online at Heaven & Earth Acupuncture today.

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